This was the second mission of the Eye Care for People of the Mekong Riverside Project. The project is aiming at improving the eye health of people living along the bank of the Mekong River in Pakbeng District, Oudomxay province. In association with the Oudomxay Provincial Public Health office and the Pakbeng District Hospital Health office, the LRF team of six people visited two villages, one health center and the Pakbeng District Hospital.

A total of 386 people were examined, given vision tests and treated when necessary. Cataract surgery was performed on 13 villagers. A total of 242 pairs of glasses where donated following refractive error exams. 127 primary and secondary school students at Kham village were screened for visual acuity, 100% of students were found to have normal vision. 4 people requiring more complex surgical procedures were referred to Oudomxay Provincial Hospital. Following the mission, LRF provided additional funding for 2 children with congenital cataract and corneal rupture.

Click here to download report Part 1 and Part 2 (photos of the mission)

Categories: Eye Care